Mo the world of technology

1yrs agoupdate 14,653 030

Mo the world of Science and technology in Shenzhen, Zhuhai two synchronization operations, with over 10,000 square meters R & D office and high-end manufacturing base. Founding team of many years of deep optical and AI field and the formation of a number of core technology, has been declared nearly a hundred core invention patent and copyright.

Mo the world of technologyMo the world of technology
Mo the world of technology

Since its incorporation in November 2021, MJT has been operating simultaneously in Shenzhen and Zhuhai, with more than 10,000 square meters of R&D offices and high-end manufacturing bases. The company's founding team has been deeply engaged in the field of optics and Al for many years and formed a number of core technologies, R & D personnel accounted for nearly 70%, including more than half of the proportion of master's degree, has declared a total of nearly one hundred core invention patents and copyrights.

With the world's leading resin diffraction optical waveguide technology and a miniature light engine with a volume as low as 0.5cc, Mojang helps OPPO Air Glass 2 to be lightweight, miniaturized and universally applicable, making it the world's thinnest and lightest bi-ocular AR smart glasses at "only 38 grams".

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