Xing Ji Meizu

12mos agorelease 5,567 00

Meizu official

Xing Ji MeizuXing Ji Meizu
Xing Ji Meizu

Meizu officially announced its first lightweight AR smart glasses on October 30, and the number of blind orders exceeded 10,000 within two days of launch.

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Real Wear

Real Wear

RealWear head-mounted computer (industrial AR smart glasses) full voice control, free hands, support noisy industrial environment, used for remote expert guidance on-site service, remote inspection, equipment operation and maintenance and complex manufacturing assembly and other work assistance. RealWear HMT-1 has been widely used in electric power, manufacturing, automobile, petrochemical, gas, aviation, rail transit, transportation, public security, fire protection, medical treatment, infrastructure, semiconductor and other industries. Riowell moziware focuses on industrial augmented reality AR hardware, enterprise AR software, cloud services, and construction of industrial AR and AI integrated industrial metaverse solutions to accelerate digital transformation. Official hotline: 400-8520-729. Smart glasses, AR glasses, AR smart glasses, industrial AR, AR glasses manufacturers, RealWear , moziware cimo, moziware, headset computer

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