XR interaction sensing


Tobii shoulder by being able to understand people's attention and intention of eye tracking and attention to computing technology to improve the World Mission.


Tobii成立于2001年,源自对技术的热忱和为美好未来而打造技术的愿景,Tobii成为了眼动追踪技术的全球领导者。历程始于20多年前。那时,Tobii交付了世界上第一台遥测式眼动仪(remote eye tracker)。从那时起,Tobii的使命就是建立一种能够理解人类注意力和意图的技术,Tobii称之为注意力计算。

data statistics

Data evaluation

TobiiThe number of viewers has reached 474. If you need to inquire about the relevant weight information of this station, you can click "5118 data""love station data""Chinaz data"Enter; with the current website data as a reference, I suggest that everyone please take the data of Aizhan as the standard, and more website value evaluation factors such as:TobiiThe access speed, search engine index and index volume, user experience, etc.; of course, to evaluate the value of a website, the most important thing is to base on your own needs and needs, and you need to find some exact dataTobiiThe webmaster negotiates and provides. Such as the station's IP, PV, bounce rate, etc.!

aboutTobiispecial statement

Provided by XR Industry People Navigation Network on this siteTobiiAll originate from the Internet, and do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the external links. At the same time, the pointing of the external links is not actually controlled by the XR Industrial Navigation Network. When it was included at 9:51pm on May 29, 2023, the The content of the website is all compliant and legal. If the content of the later webpage violates the regulations, you can directly contact the website administrator to delete it. XR Industrial People Navigation Network does not assume any responsibility.

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