NOLO was established in 2015. The "NOLO" brand is taken from the middle four letters of "TECHNOLOGY", implying "technology as the core". The core team is composed of technical experts led by doctors from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the R&D team comes from top global companies such as Huawei, Xiaomi, Sony, and Ericsson.
The company currently has more than 200 global industry technology patents, covering more than 12 mainstream countries. NOLO has been cultivating 6DoF interactive technology for many years. It is the world's leading technology company with completely systematic independent intellectual property rights. The self-developed positioning solutions "SodarTraq®" and "PolarTraq®" are in the leading position in the world. At the same time, it deploys cutting-edge innovative technologies, and has formed a matrix of cutting-edge technology solutions including micro 6DoF interactive solutions, gesture recognition and tracking, and micro-expression recognition.
The company's products cover 6DoF VR all-in-one machines, 6DoF VR interactive handles, VR acceleration routers, and 3DoF interactive suite equipment, allowing users to obtain fully immersive VR experiences on mobile devices anytime, anywhere.
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