逸文科技(海外品牌名:Even Realities)成立于2023年6月,是消费电子产研一体化高新技术企业,拥有独立的光学+硬件+软件全局产品化研发能力,励志打造面向全球消费者的下一代革命性智能产品。创始团队来自UC Berkeley、UCLA、上海交大等海内外顶尖大学,曾任职于苹果、三星、飞利浦、Lindberg等行业巨头核心产研团队。

2024年1月获得鼎晖投资、青山资本天使轮投资;2024年6月,Even Realities宣布推出其首款产品——G1智能眼镜。这款日常使用的智能眼镜设计时尚,采用Micro-LED+衍射光波导设计。据Even Realities称,G1的开发以人为本。这款眼镜的设计将与现实世界的互动放在首位,同时在视野中低调地显示数字内容。

G1采用专有的Even OS操作系统,功能包括:

  • 实时口语翻译
  • 集成式转弯导航
  • 用于演讲和演示的人工智能虚拟提词器
  • 使用QuickNotes和Reminder功能免提记笔记,并直接在眼镜上查看信息和即将到来的约会
  • 与大型语音模型(如ChatGPT)无缝配合。

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Data evaluation

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aboutEven Realitiesspecial statement

Provided by XR Industry People Navigation Network on this siteEven RealitiesAll originate from the Internet, and do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the external links. At the same time, the pointing of the external links is not actually controlled by the XR Industrial Navigation Network. When it was included at 9:51pm on May 29, 2023, the The content of the website is all compliant and legal. If the content of the later webpage violates the regulations, you can directly contact the website administrator to delete it. XR Industrial People Navigation Network does not assume any responsibility.

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