Varjo Technologies Oy, commonly known as Varjo, is a Finnish manufacturer of virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality headsets. The company was founded in 2016 by former Nokia and Microsoft executives. [1][2] Varjo has specially developed high-resolution devices that provide clarity comparable to the human eye[3].
The company's first head-mounted display, the Varjo VR-1, launched in February 2019, followed by the Varjo VR-2 and VR-2 Pro models in October 2019. Varjo's first mixed reality device, the Varjo XR-1 Developer Edition, hit the market in December 2019. The third generation, Varjo XR-3 and VR-3, was launched in December 2020. The fourth-generation consumer product, the Varjo Aero, arrives in 2021.
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