
Meta Ray-Ban smart glasses are hot with over 1 million units sold

Third parties estimate that Meta has sold more than a million units

More than half of Fortune 100 companies choose to purchase Apple Vision Pro devices, Cook says

More than half of Fortune 100 companies purchased Apple Vision Pro

More than 50% of Fortune 100 companies have started using Apple Vision Pro

蒂姆·库克刚刚正式宣布,超过一半的财富100强企业已经购买了至少一款苹果Vision Pro头戴式显示器。Vision Pro正好在三个月前推出。虽然产业分析的重点很大程...

VR prop hunting in the hands of models: showing realistic poses

《人体模型》是一款灵感来自'道具狩猎'的不对称VR多人游戏,今天登陆Quest App Lab。继续阅读我们的详细印象。我一直觉得VR多人游戏对开发者来说是一个冒险的...

Quest 3: Six months on, changes and issues remain the same

自我们对Quest 3的评论已经过去了六个月。我们称赞Quest 3是一款出色的VR头显,但严厉批评了其“勉强合格”的混合现实功能。然而,与其之前的独立式头显一样,M...

Skera VR is a Steampunk Puzzle Adventure Game Coming Soon to Steam

Skera VR 是一款即将登陆Steam平台的新益智冒险游戏。由一个名为 Skera VR 的三人工作室开发,Skera VR 被描述为一款“单人解谜动作冒险”游戏。在一个巨大的门...

eBay二手Vision Pro 仅戴1小时,价格直降至2400美元,并折价超过1000美元

查看引用/信息源请点击:theverge (XR导航网资讯)The Verge的韦斯·戴维斯(Wes Davis)曾在今年2月入手了Apple Vision Pro的256GB版本,加上蔡司光学插片...

Meta眼镜硬件负责人称,他们的AR眼镜和原始Oculus Rift一样令人惊叹

Meta的AR眼镜硬件负责人声称,他们给出的反应和最初的Oculus Rift一样令人震惊。这一说法来自Caitlin Kalinowski在对Android Central的采访。Kalinowski曾担...

Conference call: XR Navigator information not posted

"Our current financial reporting is splitting the family of apps and Reality Labs into completely separate businesses, but strategically I think they're essentially the same business, and the vision for Reality Labs is to largely structure...