
索尼8K VR/MR 头显上手体验:高清显示,但追踪能力有待提升



专利名称: 包含多个标记物的装置 专利PDF: 20240198211 公开号: 20240198211 公开日期: 2024-06-20 专利权人: Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc 摘要 一种...

高通正在测试内存接近Vision Pro的全新骁龙XR2+ Gen 3芯片组

林奇补充道,预计XR2+ Gen 3会在2025年与我们见面 延伸阅读:高通推出XR2+ Gen 2,性能大增,支持单眼4.3K分辨率

Quest VR exclusive Batman: Arkham Shadows sparks tongue-lashing from disgruntled fans


韩媒披露:三星将采用索尼Micro OLED技术推出XR头显

据称三星的XR头显将采用索尼的硅基OLED,而非三星自家的产品 延伸阅读:三星显示:三星AR/VR Micro OLED将2027年左右商业化

Bloomberg: Sony Suspends Production of PSVR 2 as Poor Sales Put Pressure on Inventory

See quotes/sources at: bloomberg (XR Navigator March 18, 2024) Bloomberg cited people familiar with the matter as saying that Sony has suspended production of its PSVR 2 headset and won't resume until it clears its backlog of unsold...

Excerpts from New AR/VR Patent Applications filed at the USPTO on March 16, 2024

Article related citations and references:XR Navigator (XR Navigator March 16, 2024) Recently the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published a batch of brand new AR/VR patents, the following is a compilation of the XR Navigator (click on the title of the patent for details)...

Top 10 PlayStation VR game downloads for January 2024

1. PS VR2 Game Download Top 10 (US Region) Ranking Works 1 Legendary Tales 2 Beat Saber 3 Among Us VR 4 Pavlov 5 Arizona Sunshine 2 6 Creed: Rise to Glory - ...