
郭明錤:苹果将为Vision Pro推出红外摄像头款AirPods

帮助改善Apple Vision Pro头显的空间体验

苹果据传询问 LG 和三星是否能提供 Micro-OLED 屏幕,用于更便宜的 Vision 头显

据韩国媒体报道,苹果正在向 LG 和三星咨询,希望他们为即将推出的更便宜的 Vision 头显供应微型 OLED 显示屏。The Elec 声称 苹果已经向这两家公司发出了信...

苹果计划将Vision Pro打造为类似iPhone的多产品业务


Domestic 3C certification has been passed, Apple Vision Pro will soon be available in the domestic market - XRNavigator.com reported

Apple's headset products have passed China's 3C certificationExtended reading:Cook: Apple Vision Pro will arrive in China this year

Meta Ray-Ban smart glasses are hot with over 1 million units sold

Third parties estimate that Meta has sold more than a million units

Steam platform VR users continue to grow and surpass MacOS users, report shows - XR Navigator News


More than half of Fortune 100 companies choose to purchase Apple Vision Pro devices, Cook says

More than half of Fortune 100 companies purchased Apple Vision Pro

Meta plans to beat Google in gaming with HorizonOS - XR Navigator reports

现在看来,扎克伯格正尝试击败谷歌 开放生态系统方法将帮助我们扩大虚拟现实和混合现实头显市场。所以我们宣布将开放我们为Quest开发的操作系统Meta Horizon...