
韩媒披露:三星将采用索尼Micro OLED技术推出XR头显

据称三星的XR头显将采用索尼的硅基OLED,而非三星自家的产品 延伸阅读:三星显示:三星AR/VR Micro OLED将2027年左右商业化

研究员借助PICO框架优化VR驾驶体验,改善速度感知以缓解晕动症问题- XR导航网报道

利用平移增益和衰减控制乘客对速度的感知 相关论文:From Slow-Mo to Ludicrous Speed: Comfortably Manipulating the Perception of Linear In-Car VR Moti...

Ming-Li Kuo: Apple lowers Vision Pro production to 400,000~500,000 as market demand declines

美国市场需求急剧下滑超过预期 延伸阅读:彭博社:苹果店内Vision Pro演示预约数下降,苹果加大宣传力度

How to Install a VPN for Apple Vision Pro - XR Navigator News

How to install a VPN for Apple Vision Pro

美国医院用Vision Pro辅助反肩关节置换术 – XR导航网资讯

美国医院用Vision Pro辅助反肩关节置换术 延伸阅读:英国伦敦克伦威尔医院用Vision Pro辅助脊柱手术延伸阅读:苹果大力拓展Vision Pro在医疗行业的临床、教...

IEEE Interview: A Revolution in Analog Circuits from the Meta AR Prototype Chip

A conversation between two senior editors at IEEE Spectrum 延伸阅读:3D chip technology is key, Meta AR prototype chip gets huge performance boost 延伸阅读:3D chip technology is key, Meta AR prototype chip gets huge performance boost

Excerpts from New AR/VR Patent Applications filed at the USPTO on 03/30/2024

Article related citations and references:XR Navigator (XR Navigator 03/30/2024) Recently the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published a batch of brand new AR/VR patents, the following is a compilation of the XR Navigator (click on the title of the patent for details)...

The Information: Tencent to provide a number of popular apps for Vision Pro

查看引用/信息源请点击:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2024年03月26日)The Information引述消息人士称,苹果已与腾讯达成合作协议,后者将为Apple Vision Pro提供多...