苹果计划将Vision Pro打造为类似iPhone的多产品业务苹果依然希望将其变成类似于iPhone的多产品业务visionNews# vision pro# 多产品业务# Apple5mos ago000
Domestic 3C certification has been passed, Apple Vision Pro will soon be available in the domestic market - XRNavigator.com reportedApple's headset products have passed China's 3C certificationExtended reading:Cook: Apple Vision Pro will arrive in China this yearvisionNews# Pro# market# Apple6mos ago010
Deloitte says Vision Pro market response has been steady, future of spatial computing still a ways off - XR Navigator ReportsDeloitte believes that spatial computing is still the future.visionNews# Pro# market# Apple6mos ago060
Meta Ray-Ban smart glasses are hot with over 1 million units soldThird parties estimate that Meta has sold more than a million unitsvisionNews# market# Apple7mos ago0570
The Vision Pro mass version is finalized in October, weighing 400 grams at a time, with the supply chain ready to prepare orders on a mass basis.传Vision Pro大众版10月定型,重400克,供应链将按千万量级备货Questvision# Pro# Quest# Apple7mos ago000
Steam platform VR users continue to grow and surpass MacOS users, report shows - XR Navigator News模型显示Steam平台的VR用户数量稳步增长,并已超过MacOSSteamValve# PC VR# Steam# valve7mos ago010
More than half of Fortune 100 companies choose to purchase Apple Vision Pro devices, Cook saysMore than half of Fortune 100 companies purchased Apple Vision ProvisionNews# Pro# market# Apple7mos ago030
Meta plans to beat Google in gaming with HorizonOS - XR Navigator reports现在看来,扎克伯格正尝试击败谷歌 开放生态系统方法将帮助我们扩大虚拟现实和混合现实头显市场。所以...DaydreamQuest# Daydream# Meta# Pro7mos ago010
韩媒披露:三星将采用索尼Micro OLED技术推出XR头显据称三星的XR头显将采用索尼的硅基OLED,而非三星自家的产品 延伸阅读:三星显示:三星AR/VR Micro OLE...OLEDvision# AR# OLED# Pro7mos ago000
研究员借助PICO框架优化VR驾驶体验,改善速度感知以缓解晕动症问题- XR导航网报道利用平移增益和衰减控制乘客对速度的感知 相关论文:From Slow-Mo to Ludicrous Speed: Comfortably Ma...PICOMicrosoft# PICO# VR# Microsoft7mos ago000