

(XR导航网 2024年06月19日)前高通XR业务负责人司宏国宣布,他已经加入谷歌,并负责XR生态系统战略和技术工作。司宏国表示,自己是在数月前加入谷歌。 司宏...

谷歌与Magic Leap加深合作,提供软件平台能力


Google co-founder: reconsider launching Google Glass, now is the right time

With advances in artificial intelligence, Brin thinks now might be a good time to return

Meta plans to beat Google in gaming with HorizonOS - XR Navigator reports

现在看来,扎克伯格正尝试击败谷歌 开放生态系统方法将帮助我们扩大虚拟现实和混合现实头显市场。所以我们宣布将开放我们为Quest开发的操作系统Meta Horizon...

韩媒披露:三星将采用索尼Micro OLED技术推出XR头显

据称三星的XR头显将采用索尼的硅基OLED,而非三星自家的产品 延伸阅读:三星显示:三星AR/VR Micro OLED将2027年左右商业化

Google Launches XR Open Platform, Integrates Unreal Engine 5.3 on Immersive Stream

Immersive Stream for XR已与Ureanl 5.3进行了集成

Excerpts from New AR/VR Patent Applications filed at the USPTO on March 16, 2024

Article related citations and references:XR Navigator (XR Navigator March 16, 2024) Recently the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published a batch of brand new AR/VR patents, the following is a compilation of the XR Navigator (click on the title of the patent for details)...