
高通正在测试内存接近Vision Pro的全新骁龙XR2+ Gen 3芯片组

林奇补充道,预计XR2+ Gen 3会在2025年与我们见面 延伸阅读:高通推出XR2+ Gen 2,性能大增,支持单眼4.3K分辨率

Meta Quest 3 S/Lite Reveals XR2 Gen 2 Chip Specifications

据称是亲民版Quest 3的规格信息

Georgia Tech, Rice University and Meta collaborate on new eye-tracking system - XR Navigator Latest News

Eye tracking with smaller size and higher efficiency without sacrificing tracking algorithm accuracy Related papers: EyeCoD: Eye Tracking System Acceleration via FlatCam-based Algorithms ...


全彩、视频速率和低成本的3D可视化 相关论文:Beyond the lab: a nanoimprint metalens array-based augmented reality

韩媒披露:三星将采用索尼Micro OLED技术推出XR头显

据称三星的XR头显将采用索尼的硅基OLED,而非三星自家的产品 延伸阅读:三星显示:三星AR/VR Micro OLED将2027年左右商业化

Meta blog post recap: a ten-year journey toward the next computing platform

Looking back, looking forward Extended reading:Meta FAIR's 10th anniversary: using AI to push AR/VR forward and realize future visions "Virtual reality used to be a dream of science fiction. But the Internet was likewise once just a dream, with computers and...

Real-Time Technology Holographic Guidance JTWorkflow Comes to Apple Vision Pro

值得一提的是,JTWorkflow同样有登陆微软HoloLens,并且曾荣获2023高通XR挑战赛的XR行业组白金奖。 JTWorkflow这款创新型全息流程指导应用将混合现实技术...