
UC explores UWB technology for wireless location tracking system to greatly enhance AR/VR experience

View quote/source here: techxplore (XR Navigator December 28, 2023) Engineers at the University of California, San Diego and Osaka University in Japan have developed a technology that promises to make the XR experience smoother and more...

Samsung Announces Two ISOCELL Vizion Sensors Customized for XR and Other Use Cases

View quote/source here:XR Navigator (XR Navigator December 19, 2023) Samsung Electronics today announced two new ISOCELL image sensors designed specifically for XR and robotics: the time-of-flight sensor ISOCEL...

Microsoft XR patent proposes lightweight way to collect telemetry data and update 3D mapping

To view the citation/information source, please click: XR Navigation Network (XR Navigation Network December 13, 2023) The 3D mapping of an environment is a collection of 3D positions in the environment and captured images related to the 3D positions. The association may come from the description environment 3...

US scientists develop VR headset for mice to let them feel being attacked by eagles

To view the citation/information source, please click: theguardian (XR Navigation Network December 09, 2023) Virtual reality can immerse humans in extraordinary spaces, whether they are exploring distant galaxies or running in fantasy worlds. ...

AI-powered app MagiScan creates complex 3D objects on smartphones

A 3D scanning app developed by startup AR-Generation allows developers to capture any object with a smartphone camera and create detailed 3D models for use in almost any augmented reality application.