Excerpts from New AR/VR Patent Applications filed at the USPTO on 03/30/2024文章相关引用及参考:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2024年03月30日)近期美国专利及商标局公布了一批全新的AR/V...patenteye tracking# AR# Meta# VR8mos ago01,0880
Flat2VR Studios, which specializes in porting VR titles, has secured capital investment投资机构Hartmann Capital已投资专注于开发VR移植作品的Flat2VR StudiosUnrealprincipal# AR# iOS# Unreal8mos ago01,0400
For realistic AR/VR hand rendering, Meta + Nanyang Technological University propose URHand把图片真实感的双手带到VR相关论文:URHand: Universal Relightable Handspaper# AR# Avatars# Meta8mos ago09920
Excerpts from New AR/VR Patent Applications filed at the USPTO on April 01, 2024A total of 31 patents have been updated.HTCMagic Leap# 3D# AR# HTC8mos ago07120
IEEE Interview: A Revolution in Analog Circuits from the Meta AR Prototype ChipIEEE Spectrum两名资深编辑的对话 延伸阅读:3D芯片技术成关键,Meta AR原型芯片获得巨大性能提升 延...Newsbrain computer interface# AI# AR# Meta8mos ago06890
Microsoft AR/VR patent proposes optical system that dynamically follows user's pupil position使用致动器来平移光学阵列面板相对于显示面板的位置。这样做的效果是将视窗的位置移向用户眼睛的当前瞳...OLEDpatent# AR# OLED# Microsoft8mos ago06320
印度医学科学研究所AIIMS Delhi用HoloLens 2推动MR医疗培训查看引用/信息源请点击:medicaldialogues (XR导航网 2024年04月03日)印度医学科学研究所AIIMS Delhi...HoloLensMicrosoft# AI# AR8mos ago03310
FORM Releases Second Generation AR Swim Goggles FORM Smart Swim 2查看引用/信息源请点击:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2024年04月03日)体育技术公司FORM曾在2019年发布了一款A...News# AR# Smart8mos ago02960
Spinning Rhythms XD will bring spacey rhythmic action to PSVR2 and Steam this summer.星际节奏游戏“Spin Rhythm XD”本夏季将登陆PC VR和PSVR 2。去年由Super Spin Digital在平面平台上发布的...XR# AR# PC VR# PSVR7mos ago0100