Microsoft AR/VR Patent Explores Solution to Myopic Prescription Lenses' Refractive Interference with Eye Tracking查看引用/信息源请点击:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2023年12月29日)眼动追踪技术在注视点检测、眼睛姿态估...patentMicrosoft# AR# VR# Microsoft11mos ago05,4640
Varjo XR-4 promises mixed reality that's "nearly indistinguishable from natural vision"Varjo刚刚宣布了XR-4系列,这是他们针对企业和政府推出的最新一款超高端PC头戴式显示器。Varjo的XR-3现...XR# AR# Headsets & Tech# Varjo1yrs ago05,4330
Get ready to dive in: turn your room into a mixed reality submarine《Prepare To Dive》将您的房间变成了 Quest App Lab 上的混合现实潜艇。由 Beagle Reality 开发,《Pre...XR# AR# Quest# Reality12mos ago05,4320
Varjo Aero has been taken off the market with no immediate successorVarjo Aero(Varjo艾洛)是该公司的第一款也是唯一一款面向消费者的头戴式设备,目前已停售。Aero是一款...XR# AR# Headsets & Tech# VR10mos ago05,4280
Top 10 PlayStation VR game downloads for January 20241. PS VR2游戏下载排行榜TOP10(美区) 排名 作品 1 Beat Saber 2 Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wante...ListSony# AI# AR# Pro9mos ago05,3020
Resident Evil 4 Remake VR Review: Extraordinary VR Version for a Continuing Thrilling Battle虽然《生化危机4》的VR版本并不完全摆脱第三人称的束缚,但它不仅超越了经典游戏《生化危机4》的Quest版...XR# AR# PSVR# Quest11mos ago05,1060
Excerpts from new AR/VR patent applications filed by the U.S. Patent Office on November 24, 2023文章相关引用及参考:XR导航网 一共更新了51篇专利。 (XR导航网 2023年11月24日)近期美国专利及商标...XR# AR# VR1yrs ago05,1040
FitXR has released Slam, a new game studio built specifically for mixed reality.Fitness platform FitXR announced Slam, a new gaming studio built for mixed reality.Marking the se...XR# AI# AR# PICO12mos ago05,0240
Sony's VR patent proposes foot-operated controllers, allowing you to sit and use your feet to control the ball to move查看引用/信息源请点击:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2023年12月15日)社区正在积极为VR探索各种移动机制,包...patentSony# AR# VR# Sony11mos ago04,9520
ArcSine is a new physics-based PC VR puzzle platformerArcSine是一款基于物理的精确解谜平台游戏,现已在PC VR平台上发布。由Prop Logic开发了近七年的ArcSine...XR# AI# AR# Pro9mos ago04,9380