By far the best Apple Vision Pro game - our top choice for space games!在寻找苹果Vision Pro上最好的空间游戏吗?以下是我们目前的建议。 苹果Vision Pro提供了一款更注重生产力和媒体观看的独立头戴式显示设备,并没有在游戏界大放异彩。与Quest相比,它是一...XR# AR Gaming1yrs ago02,6260
Synth Riders to Add Local Party Mode to Apple Vision ProSynth Riders将在Apple Vision Pro上添加本地Party模式。 继上个月的发布之后,Synth Riders将于3月22日在Apple Vision Pro上发布其首个重大更新...XR# AR Gaming1yrs ago03,2890
Mini-Golf Roaming Mobile is coming to iPhone, and we got an early demo《Walkabout迷你高尔夫:袖珍版》现已在iPhone上进行公开测试。以下是您需要了解的VR最佳游戏之一的iOS版本。开发者Mighty Coconut正在寻找虚拟现实迷你高尔夫球迷,让他们注册自...XR# AR Gaming# PICO# Pro1yrs ago03,3740
Synth Riders Completely Rebuilt for Apple Vision Pro - 'From Scratch'Synth Riders是为Apple Vision Pro重新构建的游戏,加入了不断增加的初发游戏清单中。尽管Synth Riders在早期的Apple Vision Pro评论中有所提及,但Klu...XR# AR# AR Gaming# Pro1yrs ago03,9940
Demeo game developer Resolution Games builds game room on Apple Vision ProResolution Games是Game Room的开发商,该游戏是一款在Apple Vision Pro上推出的空间棋牌游戏合集。游戏Room首次在Apple Vision Pro发布会上被发现,...XR# AR Gaming# iPhone# Pro1yrs ago03,8830
GOLF+ releases teaser for upcoming Quest 3 mixed reality mini golf modeGOLF+为Quest 3预告了混合现实迷你高尔夫模式。该游戏目前在VR中提供全场高尔夫和迷你高尔夫,并经常被列为Quest商店畅销榜前20名。最近,该游戏针对Quest 3进行了图形升级,带来了显著...XR# AR Gaming# Quest# Quest 31yrs ago0257,1360
CoasterMania Adventure 3 Mixed Reality Update: Build a Coaster on FurnitureCoasterMania的房间感知混合现实更新允许您在Quest 3上在真实家具上构建过山车。游戏现在可以利用混合现实设置期间Quest 3生成的房间网格,让您将轨道放置在您的实际地板、桌子、沙发和其...XR# AR Gaming1yrs ago05,8728
Quest 3 mixed reality game brings Minecraft into the real world一位YouTuber在户外尝试了BlockVerse的混合现实模式,并形容它为“现实生活中的Minecraft”。BlockVerse是一款适用于Meta Quest头戴设备的Minecraft克隆游...XR# AR Gaming1yrs ago05,91324
Monster Hunter now has over a million pre-registrationsMonster Hunter Now, the upcoming AR action role-playing game from Capcom and Niantic, has had 1 million pre-registrations in a week. The game will be released on iOS and Android next month, Monster Hu...XR# AR Gaming2yrs ago08,29624
China Yuanku's Wrath of Drones expedition news demo is basically a space pirate trainer in mixed realityMeta发布了一个开源的Quest演示应用,其中包含一个基本上是混合现实Space Pirate Trainer的小游戏。 "Drone Rage"将您的天花板替换为一个有外星母船的夜空,母船会派出一...XR# AR Gaming2yrs ago07,00848