Tags:AR/MR Gaming

现在可以在Quest 3混合现实设备上使用BeefRaider XR玩《古墓丽影》游戏

持有原始古墓丽影副本的Quest 3所有者现在可以通过BeefRaider XR在混合现实中玩游戏。是的,没错,你读对了。现在VR头显让玩家们能够通过1996年的原版古墓丽...

Apple's Vision Pro adds joystick and jump functionality, supports 'Across the Castle' gesture tracking

Crossy Road Castle 你能用一只手竖起大拇指,另一只手捏住吗?如果可以,那你已经具备在Apple Vision Pro上的Crossy Road Castle中的标准平...

激光阶梯将混合现实PvP激光标签带到Quest App Lab

Laser Limbo将您的生活空间变成了一个混合现实激光标记竞技场,并且在Quest应用实验室上提供了一个公开测试版。Laser Limbo由freeroam.ar开发,为您提供激光...

The Escapist is a space-based endless runner on the Apple Vision Pro

《Runaways》是一款专为Apple Vision Pro设计的空间无尽奔跑游戏。最近在西南偏南展示的Runaways是由Beyond Games开发的技巧导向的快节奏无尽奔跑游戏。作为H...

Toy Monster to bring MR Tower Defense to Quest next month

Toy Monsters is a mixed reality tower defense game that will be available on major Quest stores next month. The game, developed by Habaduda Games and published by Beyond Frames Entertainment, was previously available on the Quest App L...

Laser Dance Hands-On: Best Demonstrations of Realistic Mixed Reality

Laser Dance is an incredible demonstration of the mixed reality potential of Quest 3 and beyond. Keep reading for our full impressions:Even if you don't watch spy or heist movies, you're probably familiar with people dodging lasers to take...

Starship Homes Becomes First Quest 3 Exclusive to Take Advantage of Its Full Mixed Reality Capabilities

星舰之家(Starship Home)是一款充满植物的混合现实冒险游戏,是首款宣布专为Quest 3开发的游戏。由Creature开发的星舰之家是该工作室自去年成立以来的首款...