现在可以在Quest 3混合现实设备上使用BeefRaider XR玩《古墓丽影》游戏持有原始古墓丽影副本的Quest 3所有者现在可以通过BeefRaider XR在混合现实中玩游戏。是的,没错,你读...XR# AI# AR/MR Gaming# iOS8mos ago020
Apple's Vision Pro adds joystick and jump functionality, supports 'Across the Castle' gesture trackingCrossy Road Castle 你能用一只手竖起大拇指,另一只手捏住吗?如果可以,那你已经具备...XR# AR/MR Gaming# iPad# Pro9mos ago020
激光阶梯将混合现实PvP激光标签带到Quest App LabLaser Limbo将您的生活空间变成了一个混合现实激光标记竞技场,并且在Quest应用实验室上提供了一个公开...XR# AI# AR/MR Gaming# Games9mos ago000
The Escapist is a space-based endless runner on the Apple Vision Pro《Runaways》是一款专为Apple Vision Pro设计的空间无尽奔跑游戏。最近在西南偏南展示的Runaways是由Bey...XR# Apple Vision Pro# AR/MR Gaming# Games10mos ago01,0770
Toy Monster to bring MR Tower Defense to Quest next monthToy Monsters是一款混合现实塔防游戏,将于下个月在主要的Quest商店上线。该游戏由Habaduda Games开发,...XR# AR/MR Gaming# Games# Quest10mos ago02,0720
Laser Dance Hands-On: Best Demonstrations of Realistic Mixed RealityLaser Dance is an incredible demonstration of the mixed reality potential of Quest 3 and beyond. Keep reading for our full impressions:XR# AR/MR Gaming# Pro# Quest10mos ago01,7600
Starship Homes Becomes First Quest 3 Exclusive to Take Advantage of Its Full Mixed Reality CapabilitiesStarship Home, a plant-filled mixed reality adventure game, is the first game announced as being developed exclusively for Quest 3.XR# AR/MR Gaming11mos ago02,7150