Apple's ads emphasize the basic functions of virtual and augmented reality in life许多人对苹果最新的iPad广告感到沮丧。就像一种没有魔术效果的辉煌,苹果备受关注的广告展示了整个舞台...XR# Editorials# iPhone# Pro9mos ago010
A year on, has PlayStation VR2 failed? Or is Sony just getting started?PlayStation VR2今天迎来了一周年。但它是一个成功吗?接下来会有什么呢?我还记得去年PSVR 2发布时的兴...XR# Editorials# PICO# Quest11mos ago03,8800
Wearing Apple Vision Pro and glasses together effective, but risky尽管苹果坚持不让我佩戴苹果Vision Pro,同时配戴我的处方眼镜,但我想知道我是否能够佩戴,以此来确定...XR# Editorials# Pro# Quest12mos ago03,5120
Apple View Pro and Meta Quest are moving toward super vision在未来的几年内,你应该能够看着大街说“放大那个”,就像一对双筒望远镜出现在你面前的空中一样,你能够...XR# Editorials# Pro# Quest12mos ago03,7840
Will Meta be the Android of spatial computing, or the Blackberry?Meta据报告对苹果Vision Pro的发布持乐观态度,认为自身将成为市场上未来的安卓。但这种思维是否存在缺...XR# Editorials# Pro# Quest1yrs ago03,1690
Steam Link for Quest shows massive changes in VR industryValve's launch of apps on the Meta platform, which Meta's chief technology officer praised, highlights how much the VR industry has changed in recent years.XR# Editorials# HTC# Quest1yrs ago06,3200