A quarter of teens in the U.S. say they use VR headsets to play games1/4美国青少年告诉皮尤研究中心,他们在虚拟现实头盔上玩游戏。 这项调查涵盖了1453名年龄在13到17岁之...XR# Industry Analysis# Meta# Quest8mos ago000
Quest 3 is widely used on Steam today, and some owners are upgrading to Valve Index4 月份几乎有和 Valve Index 相当多的人在 SteamVR 上使用 Meta Quest 3。这一数据来自于Steam 硬件与软...XR# HTC# Industry Analysis# Quest9mos ago060
No, Apple isn't drastically cutting Vision Pro production due to weak demand有报道称,由于需求疲软,苹果削减了近50%的Vision Pro生产。以下是为什么这些报道几乎肯定是错误的原因...XR# Industry Analysis# Pro# market9mos ago010
PC VR on Steam is actually growing, not shrinking有人声称在Steam上的PC VR使用率正在减少,但实际上并非如此。Steam硬件与软件调查报告了每月在SteamVR...XR# Industry Analysis# Meta# Quest10mos ago010
Apple's Vision Pro spatial persona in action: a huge breakthrough in remote communicationApple的Spatial Personas通过虚拟现实立即改变了通过虚拟现实与其他人连接的含义。与James O'Loughlin一...XR# Games# Industry Analysis# Pro10mos ago030