Tags:Industry Analysis

A quarter of teens in the U.S. say they use VR headsets to play games

1 in 4 U.S. teens told the Pew Research Center that they play games on virtual reality headsets. The survey covered 1,453 American teens between the ages of 13 and 17. Pew claims the participants were primarily drawn from a nationwide...

Quest 3 is widely used on Steam today, and some owners are upgrading to Valve Index

4 月份几乎有和 Valve Index 相当多的人在 SteamVR 上使用 Meta Quest 3。这一数据来自于Steam 硬件与软件调查,每个月都会向 Steam 用户群的随机样本提供。...

No, Apple isn't drastically cutting Vision Pro production due to weak demand

有报道称,由于需求疲软,苹果削减了近50%的Vision Pro生产。以下是为什么这些报道几乎肯定是错误的原因。这些文章的来源是供应链分析师郭明錤发布的一篇新笔...

PC VR on Steam is actually growing, not shrinking

有人声称在Steam上的PC VR使用率正在减少,但实际上并非如此。Steam硬件与软件调查报告了每月在SteamVR上使用VR头显的Steam用户的百分比。今年3月,这一数字...

Apple's Vision Pro spatial persona in action: a huge breakthrough in remote communication

Apple的Spatial Personas通过虚拟现实立即改变了通过虚拟现实与其他人连接的含义。与James O'Loughlin一起在同一空间的第一次共享之后的几秒钟内,我们就高兴...