Apple's WWDC24 will take place on June 10 and will showcase the highlights of "visionOS advancements"今年的苹果年度全球开发者大会(WWDC)将于6月10日举行。苹果证实,WWDC24将“重点介绍最新的iOS、iPadOS...XR# Industry News# iPad# Pro8mos ago01,6080
Apple Vision Pro to enter domestic market this year苹果Vision Pro将于今年晚些时候在国内上市。据路透社报道,苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克在北京的国内发展论...XR# Industry News# Pro# Quest8mos ago01,6880
Oculus Publishing Ignition Program: $$$ funding to build new team for Quest 3Meta旨在帮助至少20个新成立的小团队快速建立Quest 3的原型。Oculus Publishing的Ignition计划是在2024...XR# Industry News# Meta# Quest8mos ago01,8000
Meta Continues to Ban Cloud VR Streaming on Quest Store, PlutoSphere Shuts DownPlutoSphere 正在关闭。PlutoSphere 是一个云 VR 流媒体服务,允许 Meta Quest 的所有者玩 SteamVR 内容...XR# Industry News9mos ago03,1950
Oculus accounts that have not been migrated to Meta by March 29 will be deleted.所有仍在使用传统Oculus账户的用户需要在本月底之前迁移至Meta账户。如果没有迁移,用户将在3月29日失去...XR# Industry News# Meta# Quest9mos ago03,6780
Google tries to make meta-reading bring its upcoming XR platform to its knees据报道,Google曾要求Meta合作并为其即将推出的XR平台'做出贡献',但Meta拒绝了。这一说法来自于The Inf...XR# Industry News# Pro# Quest9mos ago02,8440
Meta and LG officially confirm partnership, including "next-gen XR device development"LG刚刚正式宣布与Meta进行“战略合作”。今天早些时候,马克·扎克伯格在首尔的LG总部会见了LG首席执行官崔...XR# Industry News# Pro# Quest9mos ago03,0090
Sony Shuts Down Blood and Truth Studio and Lays Off Employees at Horizon: Call of Cthulhu Studio索尼即将关闭《血与真相》背后的PlayStation London工作室,并解雇《地平线呼唤之山》工作室的员工。 ...XR# Games# Industry News# Room9mos ago03,5920
Mark Zuckerberg Tried Apple's Vision Pro, But Claims Quest 3 Is Better - Here's Why马克·扎克伯格表示自己尝试了苹果的Vision Pro,但他似乎并不满意。 在他的Instagram页面发布的一段三...XR# Industry News# Pro# Quest9mos ago03,3680
This is what happened in the Apple Vision Pro store demo如果您无法前往有可用Vision Pro预约的苹果店,或者您不想去的话,以下是2024年2月2日,在纽约第五大道...XR# Industry News# iPad# Pro10mos ago04,7380