Apple is reportedly testing new OLED microdisplay suppliers for future vision headsets.据报道,苹果正在测试新的OLED微显示器供应商,以增加未来Vision头戴设备的生产规模。多个消息源,包括...XR# Industry News1yrs ago07,61656
PICO Lab is the App Lab equivalent of the free PICO 4 appByteDance has launched PICO Lab, its equivalent to Quest's App Lab.XR# Industry News1yrs ago07,46942
Apple Vision Pro still scheduled to ship early next year - Tim Cook蒂姆·库克今天表示,苹果Vision Pro计划仍将于明年初出货。在今天的苹果发布会直播中,该公司宣布了iPho...XR# Industry News1yrs ago07,20064
Samsung redesigns headset after seeing Apple's Vision Pro报道援引“熟悉三星内部情况的官员”的话称,重新设计和规格升级是由于苹果Vision Pro的发布所引发的。Vis...XR# Industry News1yrs ago06,95821
Meta expects AR/VR losses to increase next year due to "continued product development"Meta预计其名为Reality Labs的部门在2024年的“亏损”将增加。 Reality Labs是Meta的部门,负责Quest头盔...XR# Industry News1yrs ago06,85816
Apple will continue to keep the "Vision Pro" team to operate independently彭博社的马克·古尔曼报道称,苹果公司负责Vision Pro的专门团队将继续作为自己的部门运作,与公司其他负...XR# Industry News1yrs ago06,46480
Suing billionaire, VR developer claims yoga app 'doesn't want to pay bills'安德烈·伊莱贾 作为虚拟现实开发社区中最积极支持的人之一,安...XR# Industry News1yrs ago06,43216
Supply chain analysts claim Quest 3 demand is well below initial forecastsSupply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo claims Meta plans to sell far fewer Quest 3 headsets than initially forecast.XR# Industry News1yrs ago06,13740
Owlchemy Labs co-founder announces new studio AstroBeam to focus on multiplayer virtual reality technologyDevin Reimer, co-founder and former CEO/CTO of Owlchemy Labs, today announced his new studio AstroBeam, focused on multiplayer VR experiences.XR# Industry News1yrs ago06,0880
This is what happened in the Apple Vision Pro store demo如果您无法前往有可用Vision Pro预约的苹果店,或者您不想去的话,以下是2024年2月2日,在纽约第五大道...XR# Industry News# iPad# Pro10mos ago04,7380