Pimax Optical Locator Panel Enables Submillimeter Tracking灯塔面板的起价为199美元。不过,Pimax还提供了与其他设备捆绑销售的折扣价。Pimax刚刚宣布推出了Lighthouse面板,这是一款专为其Crystal VR头盔设计的新型追踪扩展配件,承诺通过...XR# body tracking# Pimax# VR Accessories2yrs ago09,05864
$1,599, Pimax Crystal VR is officially on saleJuly 10, 2023 - Pimax, a virtual reality (VR) hardware manufacturer and provider of high-resolution consumer VR gear, announced today that its "Pimax Crystal" VR headset is now available to order on the company's website.XR# AR/VR Experience# Asia Pacific# china2yrs ago07,16021