Apple Vision Pro to get system-wide real-time captioning for people and appsvisionOS今年将获得全系统范围的实时字幕。这些字幕将适用于通过麦克风输入的实时对话以及来自任何应用...XR# Headsets & Tech# Pro# Quest6mos ago020
使用触控 Plus 或 Pro 手柄在探险中学习艺术课程,抓起你的铅笔铅笔! 你已经准备好头戴显示器了,现在别忘了带上铅笔来参加艺术课程。Pencil!是一款...XR# Pro# Quest# VR Art6mos ago020
More than 50% of Fortune 100 companies have started using Apple Vision Pro蒂姆·库克刚刚正式宣布,超过一半的财富100强企业已经购买了至少一款苹果Vision Pro头戴式显示器。Visio...XR# Business & Enterprise# Pro# Quest7mos ago020
The Vision Pro 2 is rumored to launch in late 2026, and Apple is working on a cheaper headset.Vision Pro 2预计于2026年底推出,据彭博社马克·古尔曼报道,苹果正努力先推出更便宜的头戴式显示器。古...XR# Headsets & Tech# iPhone# Pro7mos ago020
DIG VR is like a PowerWash emulator, but for power digging!《DIG VR》感觉像用于挖掘的PowerWash模拟器,即将登陆Quest。由Just Add Water(《狙击精英VR》)开发...XR# Pro# Quest# VR Gaming7mos ago020
Google confirms it will make an "AR announcement" at I/O in May, and is expected to launch Android XR.2024年的Google I/O将于5月14日举行,公司确认将有“AR声明”。预计该公司将对正在为三星即将推出的头戴显...XR# Industry News# Pro# Quest7mos ago020
Netflix kicks off 'Three Stooges' VR headset at $110, but it's currently sold out查看引用/信息源请点击:roadtovr (XR导航网 2024年04月06日)如果大家有印象,正在热播的Netflix版《...visionNews# Pro# market7mos ago020
Meta blog post recap: a ten-year journey toward the next computing platform回顾过去,展望未来 延伸阅读:Meta FAIR十周年:用AI推动AR/VR发展,实现未来愿景 “虚拟现实曾经是科...OculusQuest# Oculus# Pro# Quest8mos ago020
永恒之星:在苹果Vision Pro上监控太空战斗VR游戏中最具野心的太空舰队指挥尝试登陆苹果视界Pro。我们已经开始在苹果App Store的TestFlight早期访...XR# Games# HTC# Pro6mos ago010
LG-Meta headset reportedly delayed until 2027 due to disagreements between the companies.首尔经济日报报道,LG正在与Meta合作的头戴式设备推迟至2027年。此前,韩国每日经济和贸易新闻和韩国经...XR# Headsets & Tech# Pro# Quest6mos ago010