
Apple's Vision Pro adds joystick and jump functionality, supports 'Across the Castle' gesture tracking

Crossy Road Castle 你能用一只手竖起大拇指,另一只手捏住吗?如果可以,那你已经具备在Apple Vision Pro上的Crossy Road Castle中的标准平...

Cheaper, lighter Apple vision headset reportedly expected in June 2025

国内新闻媒体WallStreetCN报道称,苹果计划于2025年6月推出更便宜、更轻便的Vision头戴显示器。这份 报道 引用了“供应链”的消息称,苹果正加快推出速度,原计...

More than half of Fortune 100 companies choose to purchase Apple Vision Pro devices, Cook says

More than half of Fortune 100 companies purchased Apple Vision Pro

More than 50% of Fortune 100 companies have started using Apple Vision Pro

蒂姆·库克刚刚正式宣布,超过一半的财富100强企业已经购买了至少一款苹果Vision Pro头戴式显示器。Vision Pro正好在三个月前推出。虽然产业分析的重点很大程...

After this month's release, Apple Vision Pro according to Quest's startup plan for the covert Retropolis program

编辑:CCThe Secret Of Retropolis 开始着手将制作中的VR点-and-click冒险游戏《Retropolis的秘密》移植到Apple Vision Pro。目前在Apple Vi...

Batman: Arkham Shadows will be the biggest 'Expendables 3' exclusive game ever

《蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆幽影》是阿卡姆系列的全新作品,今年将独占登陆Quest 3。由Meta旗下的Camouflaj(《钢铁侠VR》)开发,并由其Oculus Studios出版,《蝙蝠侠...

对手明星赛马:VR 版本向 Quest、Steam 和 Apple Vision Pro 迈进

Rival Stars Horse Racing: VR Edition是一款即将推出Quest、Steam和Apple Vision Pro的全新赛马游戏。由新西兰工作室PikPok开发,Rival Stars Horse Racing...

Quest 3: Six months on, changes and issues remain the same

自我们对Quest 3的评论已经过去了六个月。我们称赞Quest 3是一款出色的VR头显,但严厉批评了其“勉强合格”的混合现实功能。然而,与其之前的独立式头显一样,M...