Partnering with Microsoft's Xbox to create a 'limited edition' Quest headsetMeta正在与微软Xbox合作推出“限量版Meta Quest”头戴设备。这一消息同时也宣布了Meta将Quest软件平台更名...XR# Headsets & Tech# Meta# Quest7mos ago010
Meta解释了所有任务所有者都应该启用的设置,以提高边界回忆。Meta解释了所有Quest所有者都应启用的设置,以使头戴式显示器更好地记住其安全边界。每次您开始使用Ques...XR# Headsets & Tech# Meta# Quest7mos ago010
The Information: Tencent agency Quest S/Lite's cooperation still in progress查看引用/信息源请点击:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2024年03月27日)根据The Information,腾讯和Meta的Ques...QuestNews# Meta# Quest# Quest 38mos ago01,4560
Oniri Forest VR shows off Quest-independent 'hyper-realistic' graphics《Oniri Forest VR展示“超真实”图形独立在Quest上》 Oniri...XR# Quest# Quest 3# VR9mos ago03,5390
Stranger Things VR Review: A Surreal Journey Into the "Inverted World"Stranger Things VR为开创性的工作室Tender Claws提供了机会,让他们为VR采用Netflix上深受喜爱的作品之...XR# Quest# Quest 3# VR9mos ago03,5620
PowerWash Simulator VR is back with six new levelsPowerWash Simulator VR在免费更新中新增了六个新关卡。去年11月推出的第一个PowerWash Simulator VR内...XR# Meta# Quest# Quest 39mos ago03,6490
Quest 3's "Wide Motion Mode" extends hand tracking by tracking your arm.Quest 3的新功能'宽动作模式'扩大了手部跟踪范围。它通过在后台不断运行反向上半身跟踪来实现。当手被遮...XR# Headsets & Tech# Meta# Quest9mos ago04,2000
Become a lawnmower explorer in Mowing Simulator VR!今年,VR割草模拟器将登陆Quest,教会您什么是优质工作。由Skyhook Games开发,距离电影《割草人》为VR...XR# Games# Quest# Quest 310mos ago03,7780
Unity is considering whether to allow developers to vote for perspective on splash screens.Unity正在考虑允许在启动画面中使用Quest透视功能,而不是黑暗虚空。目前,在Quest上启动Unity混合现实...XR# App Development# AR# Quest12mos ago04,7380
Quest 3 Elite Strap Battery Sales Suspended to Fix Charging Issues in Firmware由于固件问题导致无法完全充电,Meta暂停了Quest 3 Elite Strap with Battery的销售,并正在更换库存。...XR# Headsets & Tech# Meta# Quest1yrs ago06,6350