

Avatar可以根据情景因素和规则对环境做出反应,而无需Avatar所有者的主动控制 相关专利:Meta Patent | Interactive avatars in artificial reality


(XR导航网 2024年05月23日)视频会议已经成为人们联系的主要方式。从工作电话到虚拟欢乐时光,从网络研讨会到在线剧院,当人们看到其他参与者时,他们会感到...


提供真实的眼睛区域呈现 相关专利:Meta Patent | Authentic eye region capture through artificial reality headset

Meta Reality Labs Q1 2024 Earnings Report Shows 29.794% Year-over-Year Revenue Growth

Reality Labs Revenue Increases 29.794% YOY, Loss Narrows 3.657% YOY

Meta's AR/VR unit sees quarterly revenue rise 30% on Quest head-mounted display sales growth

使用简体中文重新这篇文章并保留所有的HTML标识链接 Meta的Reality Labs部门在2024年第一季度实现了30%的年度收入增长。Reality Labs是Meta...

Wolvic WebXR 浏览器计划切换至Chromium,以缩小与Quest浏览器的性能差距

Wolvic XR浏览器正在从Gecko引擎切换到Chromium。Wolvic是Firefox Reality的开源继任者,Firefox Reality是一款专为早期独立头戴设备开发的网页浏览器,如Ocu...

Meta and Seoul National University Jointly Demonstrate Compact Holographic Near-Eye Display Concept Combining Benefits of Waveguide Display and Holographic Display

Display architecture combining the advantages of waveguide display and holography Related papers: Waveguide holography for 3D augmented reality glasses

Meta Patent Shares Quest System Update Compatible With Both Older App Software Versions

View quote/source here:XR Navigator (XR Navigator 03/27/2024) Backward compatibility is important for users who wish to continue to experience the functionality of older software versions. It is customary for applications to be updated...

Apple Patent Exploring 5G Real-Time Extended Reality Service Provides Efficient Resource Allocation Scheduling for XRs

View quote/source at: arstechnica (XR Navigator 01 Mar 2024) As a new generation of broadband mobile communication technology with high speed rate, low latency and large connectivity, 5G communication is the realization of human-machine-object interconnection...