Unity is considering whether to allow developers to vote for perspective on splash screens.Unity正在考虑允许在启动画面中使用Quest透视功能,而不是黑暗虚空。目前,在Quest上启动Unity混合现实...XR# App Development# AR# Quest12mos ago04,7380
Things to know about buying Vision Pro, Apple's new space computing device查看引用/信息源请点击:mashable (XR导航网 2024年01月13日)苹果全新的空间计算设备Vision Pro将于...Questvision# Pro# Quest# Apple11mos ago04,7120
The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners has generated nearly $100 million in revenue自首次发布以来,《行尸走肉:圣徒与罪人》系列的收入已经接近1亿美元。《行尸走肉:圣徒与罪人》最初于...XR# PICO# Quest# VR Gaming10mos ago04,6980
Quest, Steam's latest VR game bestsellers for Jan. 22, 2024查看引用/信息源请点击:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2024年01月22日)新的一周又开始了,我们一起来看看Meta...List# Meta# PC VR# Quest10mos ago04,6960
Shadow of the Tomb Raider to be ported unofficially to Quest VR by Vegetable and Meat ComboTeam Beef正在为Quest和PICO开发一个非官方的Tomb Raider VR修改。上周宣布,修改组织Team Beef透露他们...XR# PICO# Pro# Quest9mos ago04,6560
Five Nights: Left 4 Dead 2 is scheduled to terrorize PSVR 2 players next month《五夜后宫:求生之路2》现已确定发布日期。《五夜后宫:求生之路2》是在今年5月的PlayStation Showcase...XR# PC VR# PSVR# psvr 21yrs ago04,6480
The popular werewolf-like game "Among Us VR" will be launched on PICO on December 5查看引用/信息源请点击:XR导航网 12月5日登陆PICO (XR导航网 2023年11月18日)由Schell Games、Inne...PICOQuest# PICO# Quest# Social1yrs ago04,6160
Meta Quest+ Monthly Subscription Game for February 20242024年2月的Meta Quest+游戏现已上线。Meta Quest+是一个订阅服务,允许你每月兑换两款VR游戏。即使你不...XR# Games# Pro# Quest10mos ago04,5820
The report claims that the Apple Vision Pro may come with a 10-core GPU version of the M2 chipset and 16GB of RAM.据悉,有关Apple Vision Pro硬件规格的更多细节可能已经泄露。当六月份宣布推出Vision Pro时,苹果透露...XR# Headsets & Tech# Pro# Quest10mos ago04,5360
Ubisoft 'a little disappointed' with Assassin's Creed Nexus VR sales, not increasing investment in virtual reality刺客信条Nexus VR '收效尚可',但Ubisoft CEO表示销售情况令人失望,因此在进一步的VR投资方面持谨慎态...XR# Pro# Quest# VR Gaming10mos ago04,5290