Virtual desktops can now use Quest 3's built-in body tracking technology to emulate a worn Vive trackerVirtual Desktop的最新更新允许您使用Quest 3的内置身体跟踪和生成腿来模拟佩戴的Vive Trackers,以进行...XR# Social VR8mos ago02,1210
Why Virtual Reality? Flying over the Eiffel Tower with my sister使用简体中文重新这篇文章并保留所有的HTML标识链接 这对双胞...XR# Meta# Quest# Social VR9mos ago03,4640
"The Rec Room has built a world using generative AI tools that you can visit.Rec Room利用Fractura生成的AI工具构建了一个世界。<p去年,Rec Room和Unity直接集成,推出了Rec Roo...XR# Meta# Quest# Room11mos ago05,7750
SteamVR beta now supports Quest Pro tongue tracking in VRChat via Steam LinkSteam Link现在支持Quest Pro在VRChat中使用的新舌头追踪功能。自推出以来,Quest的Steam Link应用一直...XR# Meta# Pro# Quest11mos ago05,2790
Horizon World now supports members-only worlds for clubs and communitiesJose Ramos Moreno拍的集体自拍 Meta Horizon Worlds现在支持...XR# horizon worlds# Meta# Quest12mos ago05,8480
“VRChat” now supports Vive XR Elite standalone devices and supports motion tracking through the Ultimate trackerVRChat现在可以在Vive XR Elite独立商店上使用,无需电脑。VRChat仍然是主要的社交VR平台,拥有数百万用...XR# HTC# PICO# Quest12mos ago06,2690
Erotic conversations are a social VR experience on Quest在最近的一个工作日上午9点,我站在Banter虚拟广播工作室里,与SideQuest的创始人Shane Harris一起。在...XR# Social VR1yrs ago05,0480
Meta is gradually integrating Horizon Worlds into the Quest system慢慢地,Meta正将Horizon Worlds与Quest系统界面合并-反之亦然。 至少一年以来,Meta一直在Quest的默认...XR# Social VR1yrs ago04,8560
VRChat will soon be available on PICO 4VRChat现已在PICO 4的应用商店上列为“即将推出”。 VRChat仍是领先的社交VR平台,拥有数百万用户...XR# Social VR1yrs ago06,11972
The avatar in Meta in the metaverse world "Metaverse" finally has legs在Horizon Worlds中,Meta的头像现在有虚拟腿了。如果你启动Horizon Worlds并在菜单空间的镜子中照一下...XR# Social VR1yrs ago07,0838