

索尼即将推出的搭载 XR2+ Gen 2 芯片组的独立头显,其有限的视野和难以操控的控制器不太可能吸引创意人士。我在长滩举行的增强现实世界博览会(AWE)上体验了...

PlayStation State Of Play将在明天发布PSVR 2游戏更新

PlayStation的State of Play演示将于明天回归,承诺为PSVR 2游戏带来新的更新。 Sony在5月30日播出的最新State of Play演示将持续超过30分钟。Sony表示:“现...

Sony Mocopi let the“VRChat”user release their inner

On the market there are some body tracking solution that can help you complete morph into a dancing anime girl task, Sony now is which before only in Japan, sales of the device introduced in the United States.