Stranger Things VR Review: A Surreal Journey Into the "Inverted World"Stranger Things VR为开创性的工作室Tender Claws提供了机会,让他们为VR采用Netflix上深受喜爱的作品之...XR# Quest# Quest 3# VR9mos ago03,5620
Sony patent proposes scent presentation device, providing possibility for PSVR olfactory experience查看引用/信息源请点击:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2023年12月12日)从Feelreal到Vaqso VR和OVR Technology...XR# AR# VR12mos ago03,5530
Oniri Forest VR shows off Quest-independent 'hyper-realistic' graphics《Oniri Forest VR展示“超真实”图形独立在Quest上》 Oniri...XR# Quest# Quest 3# VR9mos ago03,5390
Excerpts from New AR/VR Patent Applications filed at the USPTO on February 19, 2024文章相关引用及参考:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2024年02月19日)近期美国专利及商标局公布了一批全新的AR/V...HTCMagic Leap# 3D# AR# HTC9mos ago03,4960
The Great Ocean lets you swim with whales and turtles in virtual reality. 《The Great Ocean》让您在一个海洋VR冒险中与鲸鱼、鲨鱼和海龟...XR# Steam# VR# VR Gaming9mos ago03,4250
Steam VR Game Festival launches, thousands of VR works are on sale查看引用/信息源请点击:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2023年12月05日)为了庆祝SteamVR 2.0和Steam Link的正式...SteamValve# Steam# SteamVR# valve12mos ago03,2990
Excerpts from New AR/VR Patent Applications filed at the USPTO on January 20, 2024文章相关引用及参考:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2024年01月20日)近期美国专利及商标局公布了一批全新的AR/V...HTCLumus# 3D# AR# HTC10mos ago03,1520
Excerpts from New AR/VR Patent Applications filed at the USPTO on February 03, 2024文章相关引用及参考:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2024年02月03日)近期美国专利及商标局公布了一批全新的AR/V...HTCLumus# 3D# AR# HTC10mos ago03,1440
In an effort to re-monetize, Zenith will introduce a F2P model and in-game currency查看引用/信息源请点击:roadtovr (XR导航网 2024年02月03日)为了提高用户粘性和重新盈利,VR MMORPG...Newssocial contact# roblox# Room# VR10mos ago03,1280
Excerpts from New AR/VR Patent Applications filed at the USPTO on 02/24/2024文章相关引用及参考:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2024年02月24日)近期美国专利及商标局公布了一批全新的AR/V...CGHTC# 3D# AR#CG9mos ago03,0560