Shopping Trip Black Friday Deal: 40% Off Many Games, Including Beat Saber黑色星期五和网络星期一的Quest商店优惠来了,许多游戏都有大折扣,包括Beat Saber和其DLC曲目。 从现在...XR# Meta# Quest# VR Gaming1yrs ago013,1410
Vacation Simulator hits sales milestone while releasing Q3 update《度假模拟器》成为Owlchemy的第二款销量达白金的游戏,并且还推出了Quest 3更新。在2020年,《度假模拟...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago04,4560
Among Us VR is ready for the launch of PICO and PSVR 2, with support for cross-platform play《Among Us VR》以PICO端口于12月5日登陆新平台,Schell Games暗示将在PSVR 2上发布日期'plead the 5th'...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago03,9360
Sniper Elite developer thinks Zombie Army is "a perfect fit" in VR尽管伍德沃德无法确认Rebellion的未来计划,但他们认为这个系列会很适合VR改编。'我认为这会非常适合VR...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago04,7450
Comment: Assassin's Creed Nexus VR is proud to be as famous as the main series gamesAssassin's Creed Nexus提供了一个令人兴奋的VR第一人称衍生作品,提供了一个多样化的游戏,符合主要系...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago05,1200
Terrara Alia combines learning multiple languages with VR fantasy RPG on QuestTerra Alia希望通过Quest上的VR幻想RPG教你新的语言。由30 Parallel Games开发,Terra Alia始于一个魔法...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago05,7450
"Iron Strike Synthetic VR Co-op and Fantasy Pass Game Launches Today on Quest"Ironstrike承诺在新的VR合作奇幻逃跑游戏中具有基于动量的物理效果,今天在Quest上发布。由E McNeill(...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago05,0400
Tennis club launches mixed reality service on December 14Racket Club确定了发布日期,Resolution Games公司透露将在Quest和PICO上支持混合现实。在开发者日志中...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago06,4980
Multiplayer shooter Vail VR is now available on Quest App Lab经过最近进行的alpha测试,多人团队射手游戏Vail现在可在Quest App Lab上使用。去年在Steam Early Acces...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago05,6120
Genotype wraps up 'Discover' exclusivity with upcoming PC VR port继最近的Quest 3更新之后,南极冒险游戏Genotype将PC VR作为下一个目的地。上个月发布的Genotype是一款...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago05,5200