Widow's Walk: Playing mini golf in a haunted house is the perfect VR Halloween activityMighty Coconut的第22个Walkabout Mini Golf球场是一个可怕的幽灵屋子,是整个开发团队的想象力构思而成...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago06,56164
Clockpunk competitive shooter Wisdom Watch receives PC VR demo《智慧守望者》为VR竞技射击游戏,PC VR版现已推出试玩。由意大利工作室Space Whale开发,《智慧守望者...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago06,54432
Strike a Pose: Fast Travel's New Multiplayer Game 'Mannequin' Adapts Prop Hunter for VR从道具搜寻游戏Prop Hunt中借用机制并巧妙地将其适应VR,Mannequin迫使玩家摆出动作,并在多人狩猎中隐...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago06,52940
Play Blackened With Beat Saber's New Rolling Stones Music PackBeat Saber现已在所有支持的平台上推出了Rolling Stones音乐包。 虽然它主要以来自最近的Hackney Diamo...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago06,5200
Quest 3 game upgrades squeeze storage space for Quest 2 owners上个月在Connect 2023上,Meta确认超过50款Quest 2游戏将获得Quest 3升级,其中包括《红色物质2》和《守...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago06,52080
"New Deathhook Upgrade" lets you brutally tear apart demons死亡挂钩的首个重大更新让你直接撕裂恶魔。这个名为“撕裂”更新的新补丁允许你用双手撕裂敌人,并添加了...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago06,52032
"Out of the Palm Review: A Simple and Sweet Little Bit of Great VR Platform Jumping"《Outta Hand》现已推出,为Quest玩家提供了一个简短、甜美而又优美的VR平台游戏。阅读完整的《Outta Ha...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago06,50472
Paper Beast hand-crafts an enhanced version of PSVR 2Paper Beast在PSVR 2上推出了增强版,并对原有用户提供了跨平台购买折扣。最初在2020年发布于原版PSVR和...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago06,50472
Tennis club launches mixed reality service on December 14Racket Club确定了发布日期,Resolution Games公司透露将在Quest和PICO上支持混合现实。在开发者日志中...XR# VR Gaming1yrs ago06,4960
Quest Master VR will launch on Quest and Steam next year and is based on the British comedy series.喜剧电视节目《任务书虫》将于明年登陆VR。由Scallywag Arcade开发,《任务书虫VR》让你进入任务书虫之...XR# AR# Meta# Quest1yrs ago06,4640