Microsoft is phasing out Windows Mixed Reality and will remove support for it from Windows微软正在淘汰其Windows Mixed Reality PC VR平台。尽管名称是这样,所有的Windows MR头映实际上只是虚拟...XR# Industry News# Pro# Quest11mos ago03,6970
Ming-Chi Kuo: 60,000 to 80,000 devices ready for Apple Vision Pro debut查看引用/信息源请点击:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2024年01月12日)苹果日前官宣Vision Pro将于美国当地时...visionNews# Pro# market# Apple11mos ago03,6560
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Big Screen Beyond and Varjo Aero Now Showcased in Steam Hardware SurveyBigscreen Beyond和Varjo Aero现在显示在Steam硬件调查中,这显示了它们的拥有和使用情况。这两款头戴设...XR# Headsets & Tech# Quest# VR game9mos ago03,4270
Porsche Innovates Macan Auto Show Demo Experience with VR/MR Technology查看引用/信息源请点击:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2024年01月29日)对于任何走进最近一场专注于新款纯电保...QuestNews# Quest# market10mos ago03,4110
Ghosts of Tabor, with over $10 million in revenue, officially arrives at Meta Quest现在,这款作品已经正式登陆Meta Quest Store,售价24.99美元。 由Combat Waffle Studios开发的《Ghost...QuestSteam# iOS# Quest# Steam10mos ago03,4090
Meta: Apple's entry proves Zuckerberg was right to stay invested in AR/VR查看引用/信息源请点击:wsj (XR导航网 2024年01月29日)根据《华尔街日报》报道,对于苹果携Vision P...OculusQuest# Oculus# Pro# Quest10mos ago03,3760
Re-engineer some of the core UI infrastructure for 2D applications on QuestMeta正在“重新调整一些核心UI基础设施”,以改善Quest的2D应用程序定位和多任务处理。在上周四的Instagra...XR# Headsets & Tech# Pro# Quest9mos ago03,2890
Undeterred by Vision Pro launch, domestic VR makers become new focus at CES 2024近日,主题为“AIl TOGETHER,AIl ON2024年国际消费电子展(CES)如期在拉斯维加斯举行。 作为世界上最大...CESDapeng# CES# Pro# Dapeng11mos ago03,2810