iQUT is a VR movie and TV service provider, focusing on virtual reality, artificial intelligence and other fields, providing users with entertainment services through content + terminal, the company released a VR all-in-one machine "QiYou", users can pay to watch VR movies and TV dramas, experience VR games. In addition, the company also created iQUT intelligent mobile theater based on VR + AI technology.
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Varjo for professionals with the most advanced augmented, virtual and Mixed Reality head significantly, and welcome to the immersion workplace.
Welcome to explore the PICO is! As a with independent innovation and R & D ability to create technology brand, PICO committed to build a leading world-class XR Platform. Immediately browse the full range of products.
VR gyro
VR gyroscope, tap the VR/AR industry opportunities for entrepreneurs to deliver value
VR gyro
VR gyroscope, tap the VR/AR industry opportunities for entrepreneurs to deliver value
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Proud of the snow core is a lightweight VR head display developer, positioning in the 5G era of next-generation 5G terminal R & D and Pathfinder, 5G new visual technology leader and Creator.
Thunderbird Innovation
Thunderbird Innovation is committed to building the world's top consumer-grade AR ecosystem, providing users with high-quality AR products and services, and striving to become a leader leading the new generation of interactive transformation.
A small faction of technology Pimax was founded in 2015, is a leading global VR hardware product development with the manufacturer. A small faction of the founding team of technical accumulation is deep, and in the optical/display/wearable technology/smart hardware development has many years of experience, the products produced by the core performance indicators continued to lead the industry, and over the years has been firmly holds the world's strongest performance of consumer-grade VR hardware status in the global high-end VR head significantly in market share than the first.
Goertek shares
GoerTek Co., Ltd. is a leading enterprise in China's electro-acoustic industry and a global leader in the field of micro-electro-acoustics. It is widely used in smart mobile terminal products such as smartphones, tablet computers, wearable devices, smart home, automotive electronics and other fields, and mainly provides software and hardware products and services for the world's top manufacturers in the field of consumer electronics.
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