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JBD focus on development and production of MicroLED displays, this display has been widely accepted reality systems such as Smart glasses, Sports AR glasses/goggles, s...

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JBD focus on development and production of MicroLED displays, this display has been widely accepted reality systems such as Smart glasses, Sports AR glasses/goggles, sports optics & HUD for motorcycles.

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The company was founded in 2003, 2006, stocks in the stage City 2010 3 months with the CMI, the system Bao photoelectric combined for the panel industry ever the largest merger case. Innolux innovative and differentiated technology to provide advanced display integration solutions, including 8K4K ultra-high-resolution, active-matrix AM miniLED, AM microLED, the LTPS and touch solutions, etc., and covers a diverse display application products, including TV panels, desktop monitors and notebook computer panels, small size panel, medical, automotive panel, etc., development of specifications, lead the market trend, to provide global cutting edge information and consumer electronic customer full range product portfolio with solutions.
The core as the best

The core as the best

Shenzhen core as the best Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., is a focus on silicon-based OLED IC design and silicon-based OLED micro display R & D and manufacturing of innovative science and technology enterprise, committed to global customers to provide high-resolution, high-contrast, ultra-thin, low-power, highly reliable silicon-based OLED micro-display device, which is widely used in VR/AR, electronic viewfinder, micro projector, display helmet, thermal imager and other fields; the same core as the best technology to provide customers with various sizes of LCD display, OLED display, micro display, cover and other display-related products, as well as customized IC design, drive technical service and one-stop Display Solutions.


In the optical Group stock code 002189, founded in 1968, is a large state-owned civil-military Union type photoelectric listed enterprises, the main products include precision optical tuple member, optical materials, light-sensitive resistor photoelectric industry in the upstream product, as well as optical devices, optical machine, photovoltaic system integration, etc. photovoltaic industry downstream products,and the formation of military people products business line parallel development of the trend.

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