2yrs agorelease 21,281 050

BOE is a global innovative IoT company and a global leader in semiconductor display products. At present, more than a quarter of the display screens in the world come from BOE (BOE), and provide smart retail, smart finance, digital art, business office, smart...

BoE is a global innovative IOT company, but also the global semiconductor display products leading enterprises. The current Global has more than a quarter of the display from BOE(Boe), and Smart Retail, Smart Finance, Digital Art, Business Office, Smart Home, smart transportation, smart separation of Church and State, smart energy, digital hospitals and other segments to provide IOT solutions.

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ALVA Systems focuses on the independent innovation of augmented reality/artificial intelligence (AR/AI) core technologies, and is the world's leading supplier of AR/AI software tools and technical services. In the industrial field, the company focuses on the deep integration application based on augmented reality (AR) technology and manufacturing industry, and is the leader of the international industrial Internet of Things and "digital twin" solutions. After full practice, ALVA has formed a rich and complete AR product line, opening up a wide area of application space. At present, ALVA has accumulated different application scenarios such as remote guidance, remote operation and maintenance, employee training, craft courseware production, and assisted sales.
Light peak technology

Light peak technology

Light peak technology, science and Technology Board enterprises in China(stock code: 688007, is a company with original technology, the core patents, core device R & D and manufacturing capabilities of the leading global laser optical science and technology enterprises, in 2007 the invention of the ALPD laser display technology, is committed to the Laser Display technology and product research and innovation, to meet the people in the high-speed communications and artificial intelligence in the era of the information is displayed with the new requirements.
The reputation of the mirror world

The reputation of the mirror world

The reputation of the mirror world photoelectric technology GodView founded in 2016 年 12 月 7, is a focus on high-tech MR(mixed reality)glasses smart hardware company. The members of the company by Harvard Professor, Dr., and the Silicon Valley team homecoming, is by the national high and new technology introduction the focus of the project, now has dozens of items of intellectual property, including a number of invention patents, and the core products and technologies close several times to get government funding and Industry Innovation Awards.

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