Rec Room is an augmented and virtual reality software company operating in the technology industry. They are passionate about VR, AR, social and multiplayer gaming experiences. The company was founded on April 1, 2016 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington, USA.
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Vertical Robot is a Spanish Studio, by Iñaki Hernández Gastañaga and Norman Schaar's 2016 Year 4 month 1 day was established.

First Contact Entertainment
First Contact Entertainment is a focus on creating with the highest production values of VR games and experiences in the Studio.

We are now gaming the sword and sorcery VR on the PC and Quest on the most popular VR games with VR on the market's largest players and mod community.

XR Games
XR Games is an award-winning game development studio founded in 2017 led by industry veterans from Rockstar, EA, Codemasters, Sumo, Team 17 and Dubit. During our 20-year career, we've created immersive games for some of the world's biggest brands.

American VR game developer Survios, who had produced the Creed:the GLORY ring for the Raw Data of the fury of the sea expedition of the

Maze Theory
Maze Theory is a British video game developer and publisher based in London. It was established in September 2018. In November 2019, Playstack released their first major project, Doctor Who: The Edge of Time.

"Contractors" is a VR shooting game developed by domestic VR game studio Caveman (Nanjing Caveman). The game has landed on PCVR and Oculus Quest platforms successively.

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