Proud snow VR

2yrs agoupdate 11,539 050

Proud of the snow core is a lightweight VR head display developer, positioning in the 5G era of next-generation 5G terminal R & D and Pathfinder, 5G new visual technology leader and Creator.

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Proud snow VRProud snow VR
Proud snow VR
Aoxue Ruishi was established in 2020 and is committed to the research and development of thin and light VR headsets. Aoxue Ruishi first proposed the concept of VR mirror housing. It will create personalized and assemblable mirror housings for users to better match the ultra-light and ultra-thin Snow Kirin terminal, start a trendy music VR journey, and enter the real world. Metaverse world.
On October 21, 2021, Aoxue Ruishi received millions of yuan in angel round financing from Liuheqiao Venture Capital.

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