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The Lynx is a mixed reality of the ultimate equipment, this is the first paragraph along with augmented reality and virtual reality features independent head significantly. Lynx in line with GDPR, and follow a privacy by design philosophy, the Lynx is an open platform.

Collection time:

French VR company Lynx Mixed Reality was founded by Stan Larroque before 2020. It developed the Lynx-R1 headset thanks to a team of dedicated innovations in electronics, software, optics and hardware.

This is a team of 15 people with diverse backgrounds, from designers to electronic engineers, from Unity experts to low-level system architects, who share the same passion for AR and VR.

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The number of viewers has reached 2,264. If you need to check the relevant weight information of this site, you can click "5118 data""love station data""Chinaz data"进入;以目前的网站数据参考,建议大家请以爱站数据为准,更多网站价值评估因素如:Lynx的访问速度、搜索引擎收录以及索引量、用户体验等;当然要评估一个站的价值,最主要还是需要根据您自身的需求以及需要,一些确切的数据则需要找Lynx的站长进行洽谈提供。如该站的IP、PV、跳出率等!

关于Lynxspecial statement

本站XR产业人导航网提供的Lynx都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由XR产业人导航网实际控制,在2023年 6月 3日 pm1:38收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,XR产业人导航网不承担任何责任。

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