The XR content platform

Shenmu technology

EnlightXR - shenmu science and technology official website


Shenmu Technology aims to build China's XR ecosystem and industry alliance based on Qualcomm Snapdragon XR platform and Snapdragon Spaces software framework, including providing local technical support and services to core industry partners and developers, accelerating the implementation of innovative applications, and operating and managing content distribution platforms. And promote the formulation of China's XR industry standards to help China's XR ecosystem prosper and develop.

At present, one of the main bottlenecks in the development of the XR industry is that the ecosystem is not yet mature. In order to make it easier for developers to innovatively develop XR content and applications, Qualcomm has launched the Snapdragon Spaces SDK. Shenmu Technology will expand its related capabilities, algorithms, and tools, and at the same time build an official community for content developers to help and serve XR developers to better learn, use, communicate, and commercialize their creations, and ultimately enable the use of XR products. Readers can experience the extraordinary charm of upgrading the dimension from mobile Internet to space Internet.

The name "Sacred Tree" in the name of Shenmu Technology is taken from the sacred tree that can travel through time and space in the ancient Chinese book "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" and the famous Sanxingdui Bronze Tree. It has the meaning of connecting the virtual and real dimensions and the ecological prosperity of all things.

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aboutShenmu technologyspecial statement

Provided by XR Industry People Navigation Network on this siteShenmu technologyAll originate from the Internet, and do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the external links. At the same time, the pointing of the external links is not actually controlled by the XR Industrial Navigation Network. When it was included at 9:51pm on May 29, 2023, the The content of the website is all compliant and legal. If the content of the later webpage violates the regulations, you can directly contact the website administrator to delete it. XR Industrial People Navigation Network does not assume any responsibility.

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