


Google Launches XR Open Platform, Integrates Unreal Engine 5.3 on Immersive Stream

Immersive Stream for XR已与Ureanl 5.3进行了集成

Khronos Announces OpenXR 1.1 Standard Specification

查看引用/信息源请点击:XR导航网 (XR导航网资讯)日前,Khronos正式发布了OpenXR 1.1规范。这个版本将广泛使用的API扩展整合到核心规范中,从而减少了碎片...

Flat2VR Studios, which specializes in porting VR titles, has secured capital investment

投资机构Hartmann Capital已投资专注于开发VR移植作品的Flat2VR Studios

Meta shares recent feature updates: actively optimizing Quest headset-related features and experiences

View quote/source here:XR Navigator (XR Navigator 29 Mar 2024) Meta has been actively optimizing features and experiences related to the headset, covering both large and small aspects. A few days ago, Meta introduced via a blog post the nearly...

Meta ports Presence Platform demo project Phanto from Unity to Unreal

View quote/source here:XR Navigator (XR Navigator 03/15/2024) Meta has announced that it has ported its earlier released open source demo project, Unity Phanto, to Unreal 5.3, and is primarily used to show...

PICO system update 5.9.0, will support PC/Mac desktop interconnection for the first time, gesture function optimization

The new PICO OS 5.9.0 has been officially pushed to users. As you can see from the changelog, the main updates of PICO OS 5.9.0 include "Streaming Assistant" upgraded to "PICO Connect" (Beta), gesture and video player effect optimization,...

Meta shares in detail the Quest v62 hand tracking update that makes development easier than ever before

View quote/source here:XR Navigator (XR Navigator February 22, 2024) Meta recently published a blog post about the hand tracking features of SDK v62: Multimodal, Capsense hands and Wide Motion Mo...

Netizens share playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in VR mode via UEVR tools

View quote/source here: mixed-news (XR Navigator January 18, 2024) Thanks to the newly released UEVR, more and more people are now trying their hand at what it's like to open a Unreal masterpiece via VR. For example, Youtube...

Meta Officially Launches MR Utility Kit to Help You Rapidly Build Spatially Aware MR Applications

Develop spatially aware applications faster with the MR Utility Kit (MRUK) MRUK is an engine-level collection of utility features, prefabs, tools, and sample scenarios that can help you build spatially aware applications faster...