
Meta CTO says there's still a ways to go to achieve retina-resolution VR, and it's hard to distinguish even 100 pixels per degree - XR Navigator News

真正具有视网膜分辨率显示器的消费者头显依然非常遥远 对于VR显示器,我们测量分辨率的方式是每度像素。像素的总数并不完全重要,因为这与它们和眼睛之间的...

Meta Ray-Ban smart glasses are hot with over 1 million units sold

Third parties estimate that Meta has sold more than a million units

More than half of Fortune 100 companies choose to purchase Apple Vision Pro devices, Cook says

More than half of Fortune 100 companies purchased Apple Vision Pro

US-China research team creates XR Vincennes 3D scene evaluation metrics with GPT-4V technology - XR Navigator News

Building a Customizable, Scalable, and Human-Judgement-Aligned Evaluator with GPT-4V Related papers: GPT-4V(ision) is a Human-Aligned Evaluator for Text-to-3D Generation

eBay二手Vision Pro 仅戴1小时,价格直降至2400美元,并折价超过1000美元

查看引用/信息源请点击:theverge (XR导航网资讯)The Verge的韦斯·戴维斯(Wes Davis)曾在今年2月入手了Apple Vision Pro的256GB版本,加上蔡司光学插片...

韩媒披露:三星将采用索尼Micro OLED技术推出XR头显

据称三星的XR头显将采用索尼的硅基OLED,而非三星自家的产品 延伸阅读:三星显示:三星AR/VR Micro OLED将2027年左右商业化

Conference call: XR Navigator information not posted

"Our current financial reporting is splitting the family of apps and Reality Labs into completely separate businesses, but strategically I think they're essentially the same business, and the vision for Reality Labs is to largely structure...

Meta与Ray Ban合作开发智能眼镜,增加更多镜框选择和AI功能

Meta宣布将为智能眼镜的Ray Ban Meta提供更多的镜框选择,并且增加新的功能,包括AI方面