
Meta plans to beat Google in gaming with HorizonOS - XR Navigator reports

现在看来,扎克伯格正尝试击败谷歌 开放生态系统方法将帮助我们扩大虚拟现实和混合现实头显市场。所以我们宣布将开放我们为Quest开发的操作系统Meta Horizon...

Conference call: XR Navigator information not posted

"Our current financial reporting is splitting the family of apps and Reality Labs into completely separate businesses, but strategically I think they're essentially the same business, and the vision for Reality Labs is to largely structure...

Meta blog post recap: a ten-year journey toward the next computing platform

Looking back, looking forward Extended reading:Meta FAIR's 10th anniversary: using AI to push AR/VR forward and realize future visions "Virtual reality used to be a dream of science fiction. But the Internet was likewise once just a dream, with computers and...

Zuckerberg: Quest 3 is better than Vision Pro, Meta will beat Apple in the next era of computing

See quotes/sources at: roadtovr (XR Navigator February 15, 2024) Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has tried out the Apple Vision Pro, and he recently posted on his Instagram account a...

Developer starts playing Phantom Beast Paru in Vision Pro

View quote / info source here: tomshardware (XR Navigator February 05, 2024) If you don't do it there's plenty of Paru to do it ...... Phantom Beasts Paru is without a doubt one of the most red-hot games out there right now. It's already been opened in VR before...

Quest v62 system update pushed with Apple Space video support, Link compatible with PCVR 120Hz refresh rate

The new version mainly includes official support for Apple Spatial Video; Link now offers 120Hz refresh rate support to compatible PCVR games; and microphone issue optimization, among others. Space Video Library If you have an iPhone 15 Pro or Pro ...

Microsoft Office comes to Meta Quest with see-through backgrounds and keyboard and mouse support

View quote/source here:XR Navigator (XR Navigator December 16, 2023) Microsoft and Metaz are making good on promises made at the Connect conference. Following Xbox Cloud Gaming, which includes Word, Excel and P...

The operating system self-research plan was frustrated again, and the person in charge of Meta AR software announced his resignation

To view the citation/information source, please click:’s Meta AR software head announced his resignation (XR Navigation Network November 18, 2023) According to Reuters, a Meta spokesperson confirmed that Don Box, the head of AR software, already...

Integrating Mesh, Microsoft Teams enables 3D VR meetings

To view the citation/information source, please click: theverge Meet you in January 2024 (XR Navigation Network November 16, 2023) Ignitete announced the official version of Microsoft Mesh and T...